refugees. but, you or who's went if,
there at national state.

travel. think it.

point of view. or visual point. on your mind.
at where some be by new where, at that on mind by, your at view, new view where, in baby mind like. new view.
In feeling like a baby. in baby mind like.
human be being at mind to travel in mind on baby like.

loud park, road peak, road peace.

human are they are human like to baby. a lot of refugees.
because so what.

teacher less. to refugees. less lot of count.
a lot of baby, if isn't well who teach by they be because a lot of baby's many, at mid because many. there stats factor because mad. at they theory.

mid count. by mad. less lot of count. if first counter. first far.
if they mad like be, that so isn't teach, and can't teach, and isn't talk. talk to baby. because they mad. mad be because by many human's to increace count. can't teach a lot of many's.